Murmurs From the Morgue
Murmurs From the Morgue
Murmurs with Jason "David Wong" Pargin, Author of JOHN DIES AT THE END: His New Book, Stephen King, and BookTok
Join Kelly as she virtually sits down with John Pargin, the author also known as David Wong who wrote the book "John Dies at the End", and an executive editor of the humor website We discuss his newest book, "If This Book Exists, You're In the Wrong Universe," along with other topics including his rise to fame, how the movie "John Dies at the End" came about, dealing with writing in 2022, and his fame on BookTok.
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If This Book Exists, You're In the Wrong Universe (John Dies at the End #4)
Jason Pargin - Instagram / Twitter / TikTok
Intro: No Orphans - Dirge
Outro: RAMZIE - My World
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Murmurs From the Morgue - Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / Letterboxd
Bri - Instagram / Twitter / Letterboxd
Kelly - Instagram / Twitter / Letterboxd / The Creepy Crafter